Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Seven lessons tennis can teach you about life and career

Tennis is a highly competitive sport. If you’re not in it to win, you won’t enjoy the sport to the fullest. The sport has produced and will always produce the greatest athletes in the world. Tennis champions are beloved by fans and other athletes, too, for their physical and mental strength.
Image source: independent.co.uk

One of the most important lessons tennis can teach you is that you’re the only one responsible for the outcome of anything you’re doing. You have total control over your actions, reactions, and emotions, and it’s up to you to use them for your benefit. Vijaya Prakash-Boggala, a fan of the sport, says that it teaches you about self-awareness . It’s important to know yourself so you can improve as a player and as a person.

Failure isn’t a one-time thing. Even the best champions can lose points, games, sets, and matches, yet that doesn’t stop them from getting back up. Resilience is vital to triumph over challenges. In life and career, correct practice matters. With the right techniques taught by coaches and mentors, challenges can be overcome with confidence.

Image source: lta.org.uk
Confidence is integral in life and at work. Vijaya Prakash-Boggala says confidence and determination can set you apart from the rest, as staying focused and motivated is what will drive you to keep practicing, improving, and winning. Grand Slam wins aren’t a product of luck; they are the outcome of all the seven lessons tennis can teach individuals from all walks of life.

Vijaya Prakash-Boggala enjoys watching live sports, and tennis is one of them. For similar updates, visit this blog.


  1. Wow! I don't know how to play tennis and I didn't know that it offers a surprising amount of lessons that can be applied both on and off the court.
